This was Tanners first Prom. He was so cute! the PLT club asked them out. They went to Spaghetti mamas took pictures at the Dance and then it was home on the bus by 10:30 As soon as Tanner saw this darling girls he went right up to her and said you my date! ( it was not a question just a fact). I heard from Austin and Brock that Tanner danced with all most all of the girls at the dance just one right after another. It didn’t matter that they came with dates he thought they all needed to dance with him.

Austin loves to wear bow ties to prom. But he has always rented a tux and had to give them back, this time he wore his tux that we had to buy him for choir and bought a lovely purple tie and suspenders. I have know idea if he will ever wear them again but at least its not a 300$ prom dress that will only be worn once. He took Ashley a darling family friend who lives in Bountiful (he broke up with his girl friend a few weeks ago) Since prom was on a Friday we didn’t see him for two days. He left Friday afternoon and I didn’t see him till church at 11. ok for a few min Sat night but it was soooo late and I’m old I could barely keep my eyes open to listen too him.

Ok I have made a few corsages in my time I like to make them for Austin since it is 28$ at Harmon’s buy one. So i said get me the wrist things and ribbon and I’ll do a white rose for ya (being the nice mom that I am) Well a few days later I had 5 wrist things and five different colors of ribbons. His friends also wanted me to make them for them as well. I told Austin that they come with conditions of “they may fall apart” I think I broke even on the money they gave me and it took me all day on Friday stressing and pulling out the hot glue gun to fix a rose……. any way I added tons of beads crystals and my fav the black feathers, not bad but I don’t want to do that again.

Ok then it was Party time!!! On Sunday it was our turn to host the Biggest Looser dinner. We had to go to a trek fireside along with half of the 8 families so we hurried up and ate and the kids played outside it was great and so warm.. I won a “House Party” and Philly cream cheese sent me a care package to help with the party so I had take away favors and everything so much fun!