I’m a supper great organizer when I’m doing other peoples houses, I feel I can guild my clients to a cleaner more peaceful office or pantry, home. The other day I was reading a list of things that you should just let go of, and I thought to myself WAIT!! I have a few of these things in my house!!! So I took the list with me and walked through my house gathering these old things that didn’t need to be in my life. They do not bring me joy they make me crazy actually, so goodbye once and for all.
Some times we organize our pantries and bathrooms till they simply glow with perfection. We see these spaces every day so they should be fabulous, but….. there are the little odds and ends that seem to hide in forgotten corners of the garages, drawers, and closets. Print this list and take it with you around your house, gather up these forgotten clutter bugs. Really you will fee so much better!