How to make an Ornament Wreath
Have you ever just wanted something so bad you thought about buying one for years? This is how i felt about vintage ornament wreaths. This beautiful creation is by Judy blank she has a store on Etsy and hello beautiful!!! I have coveted them ever since I started buying my own Christmas decorations. I started collecting vintage ornaments about 10 years ago in hopes of making one of these wreaths. I still don’t have enough to make a wreath so I decided to make a wreath with just regular plastic ornaments. Isn’t it pretty? yes i think its kinda cute but I can tell you the cost on the huge Ornament wreath above my piano cost less than a vintage wreath from Etsy or a designer. So I’ll let you in on my little secret and show you how to make your own.

This smaller version of the Ornament wreath is the one I”m going to show you how to make and I love it almost as much as my large wreath I made last year.

this is what you’ll need to gather
- wreath it can be a green wreath or foam wreath Amazon
- glue E6000 Amazon
- plastic ornaments about 50 large and 20 med 40 small get from Target or Amazon
- filler (optional)
- ribbon to hang

Let’s get started
- dump out all the ornaments and start placing them on your wreath form. You want the colors to look random, you defiantly don’t want to have a huge clump of one color in the same spot. I’m not a big fan of the exact same pattern over and over that looks very manufactured and we want ours to look curated!
- Start gluing the outside ring making sure that the tops of the ornaments are pointing to the inside. When you use plastic ornaments there will be a seam around each one. Take the time to make sure that not too many of the ornaments are turned so that you can see the seems. It will make the ornaments look more like glass.
- When the glue dries mine took about an hour to get a good bond (won’t cure till about 24 hrs) then glue the inside ring of ornaments.

- after this dries and I would let it dry a bit then you can start placing the ornaments that will make up the middle. I like to make this random and free forming . Since I had more odd sizes I needed it to be less restrictive so that I wouldn’t run out of large ornaments.
- after you have glued all the ornaments on you might be able to see to the white foam, don’t worry about this if you are going to hang this on a white door or wall it will just blend in. However, if you want to hang it on a black door or colored wall you could use some filler like I did above. I found a sparkly pick I from Micheals and I cut off the tips and glued it to the holes in the wreath. I think this also makes it look a bit more vintage.
- the last part is to glue and pin a ribbon to hang it form easy enough!
Now look you have a very inexpensive wreath that if you purchased it with vintage ornaments would cost you hundreds. This is such a fun and easy craft I hope you can try making one this year. If not start collecting ornaments at the after Christmas sales and give it a go after the holidays when you have more time to breath! follow my Instagram for more of my holiday ideas for your home this season. And if you want to see this on Studio 5 click HERE