engineered prints, large print frames, how to make modern wood frames for large prints, craft, gallery wall, easy craft, diy, decor for our house, tutorial, studio 5

 How to make a modern extra large frame for your engineered prints. I’m so totally in love with these extra large engineered prints.  I know I keep using them in each wedding I do, I can’t help it the brides see my blog and then want to do them.  Can you blame them?  They are […]

How to make a modern extra large frame for your engineered prints or posters.

industrial wedding ideas, natural wedding, green and wood wedding, organic wedding decor, easy do it your self wedding ideas, summer wedding, engineered prints, modern wedding

It’s wedding season and I’ve never been more busy with weddings than I have been this year.  I think one of the most simple and by far the coolest wedding was this modern industrial wedding. I loved how monochromatic it was. It was so fun to sit down with the bride and her mom and […]

modern industrial wedding