Home trend #3 Layers,  this seams like a weird trend because its not really purchasable.  And that people, is why any one can do this with the things they already have and love. Adding layers to your house can be as elaborate as curtains on a killer Lucite rod over blinds,  or as simple as […]

Home trend #3 layers Yeah no money spent!

Hello most of you know that I’m always doing a project.  I get board easily so I feel like I’m a lover of everything and master of nothing. LOL  I guess you can say that I’m very well rounded.  We purchased this fabulous house three years ago and have loved fixing it up.  It  takes […]

Flower Chandelier

I love to organize  its kind of a sickness of mine.  Not that my house is supper organized  (the cobblers children had no shoes)  but It is supper fun to organize other peoples houses!!  And my own when I have time.  Here are a few things that I’m crushing on this year and can’t wait […]

Glam up your desk accessories!

 Ribbon is the number 1 easiest way to update your tree this year.  I know I know you thought I was going to say spray paint didn’t ya?  Well my other love is ribbon and I’m not going to tell you how many boxes I have of beautiful ribbons but I  am going to tell […]

Easy way to update your chritmas ornaments.

I’ve been feeling a little blah lately.  It could be that I lost one of my dear friends to and aneurism.  She was 47 and the happiest most service oriented person I knew.  What a beautiful family she left behind.  So this has got me thinking about my life and what I have done for […]

House tours my favorite view

Doesn’t it seem like ever year the holidays just sneak up on you?  Pop, fall is in the air then Hello its Christmas!!!Well this year I just wanted to dress up my porch for fall through thanksgiving, with out having to change it too much for Halloween. I  added  a few pumpkins to my planters and a crates.  I kept my […]

Easy last minute Halloween porches

I  love to organize and I have been doing it professionally for years.  I think it stems from all those little containers my mom got me to put all my barbie shoes in or maybe it was because my mom was so organized that I just thought thats how things were done?  who knows,  but […]

how to pack your makeup for a trip

Yikes!  its always scary to try new things.  With wedding season slowing down for me, I want to focus on creating a fun relaxing home.  We have been in this house for almost 3 years, and its been a long long ride!  I’m sure I’m not alone in wanting to make our house fit our life […]

House tour