Do you live in a tiny apartment or condo and you don’t have tons of space?  I have the best tip for you.  Use your walls.  It is a zero footprint organizing idea that will save you floor space, Let me share some wall organization tips with you. You might also like these post. Shoe […]

Wall organization Tips

clear the clutter, declutter and organize, get organized, how to declutter, tips on decluttering your house, how to organize, declutter, organize,

It’s getting cold here in Utah so that means me sweaters, puffer coats, and boots are about to take over  my closet. To make room for your winter wardrobe, you’ll need to put away your shorts, sandals, and sundresses. However, this does not mean cramming stained or unloved items into a box and stowing them […]

How to switch out your closet for the seasons

Shoe Organization Welp, today is the day we are going to tackle the month of cleaning out your closet!  Yes I’m going to drag this out for a whole month for you busy working moms.  If you want to strap on your power shoes and yoga pants and finish this project in a weekend be […]

15 minute challenge #7 organize shoes

how to get organized, organizing tips, organizing, get organized, clear the clutter, declutter and organize, declutter,

How to Organize any SPACE     I’m reading the book Organizing from the Inside out and I love how Julie Morgenstern uses the word SPACE as an acronym for how to Organize any space.  Let me give you my take on this technique and how I incorporate some of her ideas into what I have been […]

How to Organize Any space