November is a time for being thankful. I have so much to be thankful for, I have a wonderful family, have a super fun job and I’m in pretty good health (if I could get rid of this exhaustion LOL) There is one more thing that I’m thankful for, friends. In my day to day life I rely on my friends to help me out. They help with carpool, they bring me an “endless summer drink”
from Swig when I just can’t take another day! My friends are always so generous to help and give.
Just the other day I sent out a group email asking my darling friends if I could borrow everybody’s glue guns for the class I’m teaching tonight. Guess what they came threw for me. I know it seems like a little thing to lend someone your glue gun, but lets face it that was 10 less guns I had to buy for my class. I almost cried when i had so many people jump to help me. I was overwhelmed with work,family, a flat tire, wash up to the ceiling, tendinitis from cutting paper for my class for a week, and I was in full melt down. But my friends didn’t see that part they just helped with a smile and made my life a little easier! We know that our friends will be there in the big life changing, sad and happy moments but I’m most grateful for my friends in the small every day stressed out moments.
I feel in life its the very little things that really mean a lot. Its the text message that says I love you and am thinking about you. It comes at the most perfect moment when you forgot you had a meeting and your kids need to be at football and dinner is no where in sight. The fact that someone is thinking of me is huge. It makes me feel like there is more to life than just schedules and carpools. Relationships are the most important things in my life. I would take a good friend over new shoes any day. I like people and I love making friends that last a life time. Life is crazy and sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own lives that we have a hard time looking past our front door. Life is too short to be so caught up in our own lives. When I’m looking out for my friends I feel so good! If everybody in this world had a best friend or a tribe like mine, this world would be so much better! Just think If we started to think of our friends and what we could to help them out? wow what a nice place this world would be! I’m so lucky to be living in that fabulous world of amazing friends. Good friends start with you being a good friend so go out in the world and be a fabulous friend to one of your besties! So that they can be so thankful and grateful for you!
You know I love to surround myself with things that have meaning and remind me to be a good person. This tee shirt from Cents of style is so cute! I can’t wait to wear it this season of being thankful grateful and blessed! The code that you need is THANKFUL1