I’m kinda obsessed with organizing. I do it for my job and to relax when I’m home weird I know! And I love love love that I can be paid as an event planner and a organizer. I’m living the dream LOL I love reading about how people organize, It inspires me to be more creative and take more risks. As much as I read you have to organize how you live, if you can’t put away your purse after work how are you going to be able to put your craft supplies into a complicated system? Think about what makes sense to you because bottom line its your space and your life, so lets get organized.
This is just a little corner of my office its a little cluttered but that’s because this is where I work. I love to have my things in a boxes that are labeled and are concealed behind a closed cupboard door, how ever I don’t have a closet in my office, (yet) so drawers and shelves and desks are stuffed to the brim with supplies.
When I work I like to have things at my finger tips. Right now I’m trying to journal my everyday life and I need this planner out so I see it everyday. (thanks Heidi Swap for the inspiration)
I like to color code my pens its easier to grab what I need this way. Also I love having my tape scissors and glue handy when I’m adding to my journal, so cute vintage jars and pots are my go to containers. This is such a fun option because they are very inexpensive, and you probably already have things that will work!
As you can see I like to surround my self with personal things that inspire me, photos of family, clock faces, scrabble letters and a jar of thoughts. Its fun to come to this little space to create and I love everything I see. My philosophy is if you love it use it. I feel like you should surround your self with things that inspire and will motivate you to create.
My other favorite place to be is in the container store, oh how angels sing when I go in that place. I have to have a lot of my craft supplies on bookshelves and I have chosen white containers but someday I will get brave and do a whole wall in turquoise or green! ok maybe not but I love the colors they are so happy!
When your out and about look at the way stores display there wears. They take a lot of time to make sure it looks amazing. I do love to display my books in rainbow order and I see I’m not alone Thanks Container Store for being one of my happy places. And inspiring me to get out of my color (or lack of color) comfort zone.