I’m all about finding a cute ideas for a boy party!!  I have 4 boys you know, and although they are all growing up I still like to be on the hunt for cute ideas for boys.  No offence to the girls but come on its like 10 to 1 for a great party idea!!  LOL  […]

5 fresh modern hip boy party themes

 Hello friends,  so excited to feature this darling vintage carnival themed party.  If you didn’t see me on Studio 5 today here is the recap of all these darling DIY’s that I’ve been posting over the last few weeks.  And Ill up date this to put the link to the show a bit later.   PS stay […]

vintage carnival theme party Studio 5

there gold I know!!!!  I’m going to show you how to make these gold circus animals from these puppies or should I say animals.  They started out as regular plastic jungle animals I bought off of Amazon for 3.59$. 1.The first thing I did was to use my trusty Gold Krylon Spray paint to glam […]

How to make gold circus animals on a pick for cupcakes

 It’s always better to have lots of lifts and levels when you are creating a food buffet.  Not only does it look better, you can fit more trays and cake stands in.   A few years ago I was hired to do a company party, with a carnival theme and I wanted so bad to make […]

How to make a cake stand or tray lift for your party table.

I know I know my baby is 12 but he still gets notes in his lunch box.  I’m sure he gets all red in the face and tries to hide them, but I adore that kid and I want him to know he’s loved.   So here are a few links to my favorite back to school […]

5 cute sites for free back to school lunch printables

 I love weddings!!!  if you haven’t noticed and there have been quite a few this summer that I’ve done or been apart of.  I love that every bride has her own style, it keeps working fun and fresh.   This darling wedding was the brain child of my dear friend Ashley.  she is so talented I […]

rustic modern wedding with succulants

I’m a sucker for  beautiful globes.  I have always loved maps, maybe it’s the latitude and longitude lines or the endless exotic possibilities for travel, who knows  but I have enough of them!  a year a go I feel in love with the anthropology pink painted globe and so wanted to try to make my own. […]

How to paint a globe Anthropology style.

c for this blue and white wedding we so wanted to get antique Chinese vases for the flowers on every table.    Right not!!!   Ok  5,000$ was not quite in the budget so I  improvised.  We used half plain white vases and half blue and white.   The bride had collected a few on her travels over […]

How to mod-podge on glass